TCC Africa, Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research Science and Technology Botswana, and PLOS host the Botswana academic community at a round table discussing the Adoption of Open Science in Botswana.
TCC Africa, Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research Science and Technology Botswana, and PLOS host the Botswana academic community at a round table discussing the Adoption of Open Science in Botswana.
What are the challenges in the adoption of Open Science by the Botswana Academic Community?
Aside from acknowledging the challenges, what can be done to encourage open science policy practice in the Bostwana Academic Community?
What opportunities exist for the researchers in Open Science?
Meet the speakers
Mr. Alphege Maisiria- Director of Library Services at the University of Botswana.
Ms. Roheena Anand- Executive Director for Global Publishing Development at PLOS
Mr. Kealeboga Ranko- Principal Research Science & Technology Officer, Research Science & Technology (RST)
Professor Abraham Atta Ogwu- Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research, Development, and Innovation at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST), Botswana.
Prof Julius Atlhopheng- chairman of the Botswana Open Data Open Science initiative
Recording of the session: